Welcome to the wonderful world of Alchemazam!

Alchemazam! is a Collectible Card Game/Expandable Card Game hybrid with resource management mechanics, that can be played over multiple game formats. In this initial set “The Grand Arcanum”, this will set the stage for an incredible game of strength, wits, and creativity. Players can play 1 on 1, on teams, free for all, and even free for all in a team setting.
Players take on their personas as competitors with the abilities of wizards, alchemists, warriors, and more, that are slinging spells and summoning creatures, all the while executing strong strategies for victory.
With a unique resource system, and a new outlook on building a deck, the game breathes new life into the genre where familiar yet new approach to the Expandable Card Game/Trading Card Game genre is taken. An ever expanding library of cards that players plus collectability will definitely be something for players to enjoy.
The game is perfect for casual play, tournament play, and free for all group battles.

To win the game, you will either:
– Deplete all your opponent’s Life Points.
– Gain a required number of upgraded resources.
– Or win by special cards that require certain requirements.

With multiple ways to defeat an opponent, players will cast spells and summon creatures, all the while managing their resources to keep their strategies strong. With over 300+ different playable cards, this is the “open world of deck brewing” for any player to craft their strategies to their liking, and engage in battle.
What makes the game special is in its deck building!
Decks are usually 45 cards in a deck Cards have rarity of: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Ultra Rare cards. In a 45 card deck you must have the following:
– At least 20 Common cards must be in a deck
– After 20 Commons you are then allowed Uncommon cards
– You are allowed 15 cards of Rare and/or Ultra Rare cards in your deck
When it comes to the resource system, everything is a resource. Each turn, a player will gain a Regular Ingredient for their tableau (a Gold or Glyph), OR instead will Meld 2 of the same resource for an Upgraded Ingredient (Treasure trove and Arcane Tome). Get 3 Treasure Troves and 3 Arcane Tomes you win the game by resources!
The cards in your deck can consist of all kinds of cool cards that do lots of interesting mechanics and powers. Spells can be cast for effects and tactical use, while creatures can do your bidding to attack your opponents. Equipment and items aid in your advancement to hit harder or do cool effects. So many fun strategies !

In this first set “Alchemazam! The Grand Arcanum”, the setting is where players are competing in a tournament of champions called The Grand Arcanum, where the victor gains a seat on the advisory board of the High Council. As the joyous festivities are celebrated, and kingdoms gather far and wide in attendance, a thick fog is rolling in as opponents will be bested as a champion shall rise. Who shall win? Will it be you?

On the project, we are bringing the game to life by working with a wide range of artists including those who have worked for large entities such as: Lucas Films, Marvel Comics, Everything Epic, and more, with art in the vein of realistic high fantasy, anime, manga, comic book style, and more.

This is the design of the card back, in which Mark Miller, the creator of the game, a well as artist of the game created along with artist Avery Battalion.
ARTIST: Colleen Ekat
The card frame on a card’s face was executed by the awesome Colleen Ekat, with help from Jon Usiak and Mark Miller. This frame will resonate through the game’s history, and is a staple of greatness and quality.
Below are cards of multiple different artists.
ARTIST: Jonathan Myers

ARTIST: Lola Myers

ARTIST: FastArtFill

ARTIST: David Daniel

ARTIST: Nocturne

Alchemazam!: The Grand Arcanum is pure enchantment, wonder, and chaos. And what is a game without a cool thriving community of gamers who play? Well, now you need some friends to do battle with… so look no further!
Join our Discord to find players!
Alchemazam is being playtested on Tabletop Simulator and on untap.in. Join our Discord to get the links and meet the cool community to play the game.

In the future the game will be for sale in a Big Box form where there will be multiple copies of each card, including 25 cards you will NOT find in Draft Packs for the game.
The game will have packs for drafting, and will definitely have awesome cards that will be foil and holographic!
Get ready to indulge in fun card goodness!